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Why Guru Purnima is celebrated? Guru Purnima kyu manaya jata hai? I I Hindi I

Why Guru Purnima is Celebrated ? Guru Purnima Kyu manaya Jata Hai ?

 Hi everyone. this is Bhuneshwar and Hope you guys doing well. today, on the day of guru purnima, my heartfelt salutation to all my gurus. and happy guru purnima to all of you. there are different stories behind celebrating guru purnima one of which is related to shri maharshi ved vyas whose original name was krishna dvaipayan. shri ved vyas, the son of rishi parasar & satyavati, the author of texts like mahabharat, bhagavatgita, 18 puran was born on the full moon of asadh month. he divided vedas in four part for easy understanding - Rig veda, yajur veda, sam veda, atharva veda. and then he shared his knowledge to his four disciples namely rishi paila, rishi jaimini, rishi sumantu, rishi vaisampayan that is why ved vyas ji is considered to be Guru of entire human race and in his honor, Guru purnima is celebrated every year on full moon of asadh month

  Second story is related to adi yogi shiva it is said that about 15000 years ago a yogi came to the top of the Himalayas, who was looking very bright in it, then people gathered around him in hope of some miracle but he has not performed any such miracle. he just sat steady in his meditation so everyone slowly went away except 7 people and those 7 people sitting there and they requested that you impart your knowledge to us then adi yogi shiva gave them spiritual practice & knowledge and it took 84 years to them to get that knowledge and they were called Sapta Rishis. then all those seven were traveled all over the world and that knowledge was brought to the people. like this, adi yogi shiva is called first guru there are stories related to guru purnima like this in buddhism and jainism too

Guru Purnima Kyu manaya Jata Hai ?Why Guru Purnima is Celebrated ?

The ultimate focus is that the Guru is worshiped on this day to receive blessings from them. and show gratefulness towards them and on this day, people also do fasting GURU is a sanskrit word in which GU means darkness and RU means light. so GURU is the one who dispel the darkness gurur bramha, gurur vishnu, gurur devo maheshwarah, guru sakshat param bramha, tasmai shree guruve namah it means that the guru is bramha, vishnu and mahesh. guru is supreme brahma. my best regards to them in our life, our first gurus are our parents so many people came in our life from our birth to death, who are shown something to us today i bow to the feet of all those GURUS That is it for today. stay tuned, thank you!

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