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How to pin an app to your home screen, task bar, or tiles in Windows 10 | Microsoft

 Let's talk about this business over here these live tiles I have an opinion about these live tiles they are extremely useful and completely useless it depends entirely on whether or not you or your IT team take a moment and customize them so the first thing I like to tell anyone is if you see things inside of here that are not relevant to you or that you don't use go through and remove them and then pin only the stuff that you do use

  So if at the end of this exercise you have only you know the Internet outlook and Word those three tiles will be more useful to you than all of these so let's talk about how exactly we do that yeah so first things first on your smart phone how would you rearrange the apps on your home screen press and hold you got it so same thing here at Windows 10 using your finger press and hold on any live tile and it pops out immediately you'll see there are now two little White circles here this top one will unpin it so let me find an app that I'm not using right now let's say candy crush not using that at all I promise I swear so I'm gonna go ahead and hit this unpin icon and away it goes now everything that you can do with touch you can also do with your mouse so I'm going to see minecraft here you know what I don't really want to use that well it's a little bit of a different movement with my mouse I'm going to Right-click on that app so when I right-click I then see unpin from start as an available option inside of here I also if I have the permissions to do so can uninstall that application and I have additional options and settings and of course in Windows 10 we allow you to choose multiple different tile sizes if something is more or less important to you you can customize the look and feel all of that available here but I'll go ahead and unpin it now let's say you Wanted to rearrange these tiles move them around the screen simply press and hold with your finger that will pop out and then you can move that tile wherever your heart's content I'll leave it right there just where it was now if you recall when I press and hold I get these two white buttons the bottom one take a look it's that same menu so it's nice and consistent across how I'm using it it'll even give me a bit more room for my

Fingers because I'm doing this using touch now you might notice on my Start menu that I have these little titles here create explore you can create your own groupings so if I wanted to do that let's say I wanted to create an office grouping notice I don't have many office products so I'm gonna scroll through my list of everything on the computer and behold here is Excel so I'm going to click and drag and watch this the second that my mouse crosses the threshold plop It's a tile and now I can place this tile wherever I would like or I can put it in between two existing groups so you see here there's that line that is appearing this is windows letting me know hey when you release we're going to make a new group so I'll release that there and if I hover my mouse over it you see named group in light grey I'm gonna call this office and there we go so I can continue to add different apps to this no problem now let's say you Know what Jared I like this but I don't want to use live tiles I want to pin it to my taskbar at the bottom of the screen like I'm used to with Windows 7 that's perfectly fine all you do grab Excel move it right down to your taskbar at the bottom and release and just like that you'll notice Excel is now pinned here so I'm able to use it no problem I could even click and drag and move this to my desktop if I wanted to create a I con there so it gives me a lot of

Different options for how best to customize my Start menu and have just very quick access to the things throughout the day great yeah it looks great it's nice I think also with live tiles because you're able to consume some information without actually opening the application so for things like mail and calendar and weather even news applications are really great so you can actually sum or absorb some content and save yourself a little bit Of time throughout your day thanks lute Lee

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