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What Is Karma|Law Of Karma in English | Buddhist Story // कर्म क्या है|

 Once upon a time Tathagata Gautam Buddha

 was asked by one of his disciples – what is karma? Hearing this Gautam Buddha smiled and he replied – I will tell you a story to explain karma. After listening to this story, all of you will understand that what is Karma? Gautam Buddha started telling the story. That a king ruled in a kingdom. Once he went to tour the country with his minister. While traveling, the king and the minister reached a market. In that market, the king's attention went to a shopkeeper. On seeing that shopkeeper, the king did not know why the thought came that I should give death sentence to this shopkeeper tomorrow. The king told this to his minister. The minister should say something that before that the king had gone ahead of that shopkeeper's shop. And started doing other things. The minister became very worried. He could not understand that what was the fault of the shopkeeper? Without talking to the shopkeeper, without any thought, why is the Maharaj thinking of taking such a decision? The king and the minister went back to the court after visiting. But the minister could not sleep for the whole night. After waking up in the morning, The minister took the form of an ordinary person and went to that shopkeeper. And asked the shopkeeper - what do you sell? The shopkeeper replied – I sell sandalwood. Then the minister started asking people around about the shopkeeper. Everyone replied that the shopkeeper does not speak to anyone, is always sad. The minister understood the matter, that minister again went back to the shopkeeper and asked that shopkeeper – why do you remain unhappy? The shopkeeper said – I remain sad because people come to my shop, smell the sandalwood wood and say it is very beautiful, it smells very good. But no one has bought. That's why I am very sad. The minister also felt sad to hear from the shopkeeper, He thought that why should any shopkeeper be unhappy if no item of his shop is bought while there is no problem with the goods.. The minister started thinking that this shopkeeper remains so sad because of his miseries. But why does the king want to hang this shopkeeper, the answer to the thought that came in the mind of the king the minister had not yet received The minister again asked the shopkeeper- Brother, then what will you do if all the sandalwood wood of your shop is kept in such a way that it will be kept. The shopkeeper said angrily, 'Yes, I know that my sandalwood sticks will remain like this, no one will buy them. That is why I think that the king of our country should die as soon as possible. If he died early, for the cremation of that king in that royal court, I would have given my sandalwood wood from which I would also get some money. And apart from this market, other people would also know about my sandalwood sticks. Then maybe some people would come to my shop to buy sandalwood sticks. The minister understood everything after listening to the shopkeeper, but the minister was also very smart and intelligent, a thought came in his mind. The minister bought some sandalwood sticks from the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper also got some money from this purchase and he became a little happy too. The minister came back to the court with sandalwood wood. On reaching the court, the minister placed those sandalwood sticks in front of the king and said, O king! These sandalwood sticks have been presented to you by the same shopkeeper, whom you were thinking of hanging yesterday. The king smelled those sandalwood woods and he liked the aroma of those woods very much. He said, these sandalwood sticks are very fragrant. The king was very happy with this unique gift of the shopkeeper and gave some gold coins to the minister and said – Go give these gold coins to that shopkeeper and say that after today whenever sandalwood wood is needed in the palace Then from your shop Only sandalwood will be taken. The minister started smiling and started thinking that now the idea of ​​hanging that shopkeeper cannot come in the mind of the king. because now always that shopkeeper has got the responsibility of arranging sandalwood for the royal court The minister went back to the shopkeeper with the gold coins. Here the king fell into the thought that that shopkeeper is a very good person. When I was thinking about him that I would hang him tomorrow, then perhaps the thought was going on in his mind at that time that Rajan has come in front of my shop for the first time, why can't I give him my beautiful and aromatic woods? And today he presented me too. Inexplicably, I was thinking of hanging him. Here the minister reached the shopkeeper. The minister gave the gold coins given by the king to the shopkeeper and said that the sandalwood I had bought yesterday. The king liked those sandalwood sticks very much. And as a reward, some gold coins have been sent to you. The shopkeeper was very happy to hear this… Simultaneously, the minister also told that shopkeeper that, from today onwards, whenever there is a need for sandalwood in the court, all the sandalwood sticks will be taken from your shop. The shopkeeper was very happy to hear the minister's words. The minister asked the shopkeeper why brother… You used to think so badly about the king. But look how much the king cares for you! How good are the kings! The king never thinks wrong about his subjects! The shopkeeper agreed with the minister and feeling very sad started repenting of his bad thoughts towards the king. The shopkeeper said to the minister - I used to think so wrong about the king. King is very good, King is very good, . God bless that the king has a very long life. Hearing this, the minister was also very happy. Then the minister went back to the court from there. And here Tathagata Gautama Buddha, ending this story, asked his disciples that now you people tell me what is karma? A disciple said that deeds are 'spoken words'. A disciple said that action is speech. So someone said that action is 'thinking'. So someone said that karma is a feeling, etcetera...etc. After listening to the answer of all his disciples, Mahatma Gautam Buddha said that "the thoughts of a man are his actions". As our thoughts remain, we will act in the same way and the actions done by those thoughts are responsible for our happiness and sorrow. That is, if our thoughts are wrong then the actions done by us will also be wrong and their result will also be wrong, as a result of which we will be unhappy. If our thoughts are right then we will do right deeds, if we do right actions then we will get right results, Which brings happiness in our life. Friends if you want to know more details about Karma So all of you must read a book written by Satguru Jaggi Vasudev. Whose name is 'Karma by Satguru' In this book, Satguru has explained in detail about Karma and its impact on our lives. Along with this, he has also broken some misconceptions about karma that have been going on for years. This Book Will Give You a Whole New Perspective on Karma That's why all of you must read this book once. And if you don't have time to read this whole book So you can also listen to this book's summary in Hindi on KUKU FM app All you know about KUKU FM that it is one of the best audio book platform of India where by paying less than a book you can listen to thousands of books in audio format for a whole year that too in your preffered language. Normally one year subscription of this platform is ₹ 399. But if you use 'WI50' coupon code then first 250 users will get 50% discount. And in just ₹199 access to thousands of audio books and hundreds of courses for a full 1 year. If you want to download this app then link is given on description and first comment Friends, now we try to understand karma in a little easier language. Karma means action. In this world, whatever work is happening in this universe is a karma. Actually, if seen, karma, kriya And follows the simple principle of reaction. Everything we do is an action. And then according to the principle of action and reaction, every action has a consequence. Just like throwing a glass of glass is an action and Its breaking is its result, excessive rain is a karma and flooding is its result. Actually the result will be in our interest or in harm it totally depends on the work done by us. Most of the people think that above There is someone sitting in the sky who decides in whose life happiness is to be given and in whose life sorrow is to be given, whereas in reality Our karma and then its results determine our happiness and sorrow. That is why in our Indian tradition it is said that you are the creator of your own destiny. Actually, the result of karma is luck, and how we have to act, it is completely in our hands, so when someone continues to do good deeds, his luck also goes on getting better. Like if there are two children and one of them keeps trying to learn and learn new things from childhood, he always tries to give his best in whatever he does. And the second child who is neither tries to learn and learn about anything new nor does any work with full heart, so with the passage of time that first child in his life Becomes a very successful person, while the second child is still struggling in his life after years, now seeing the first child here, the second child will very easily say that he had good luck, but in fact his deeds are not good. As a result of which his luck also got better. So if we want, we can change our destiny by changing our karma. It is a simple matter as soon as you change your karma, your destiny will start changing, and this is true in both the circumstances for good as well as for bad. But in reality, how a person acts, it mainly depends on his parents, family, society and surrounding environment, in most of the cases an actor's son tries to become an actor, Engineer's son engineer, and Doctor's son Doctor. The reason for this is that our body and mind collect information from our surroundings and we do any work on the basis of the information and knowledge present inside us. And then we get the result accordingly. In fact, we continue to do 99% of our daily tasks in an unconcious way, because our body and mind remember the information received and then keep on repeating them, as when we were learning to drive a car, then we were taking care of everything with full consciousness, where is the steering, where is the brake, but after some time we are able to drive the car very easily while talking or thinking anything, Because we have been programmed to drive a car, and we do almost all our work in this way now, without any awareness, those things just keep happening, because our work is being done without any awareness, that's why we think that someone else is driving us, some invisible power. Whereas in reality our actions have become our habit now, if we start doing most of our work consciously then we will find that our destiny is in our hands because due to awareness we have complete control over our actions. As Gautam Buddha said in the above story that our thoughts are our actions, and in the state of awareness we have complete control over our thoughts, by the control of thoughts we gain control over our actions And then when our If our actions are according to us, then its result will also be according to that. That is why Gautam Buddha has emphasized on the control of the mind, that when a person's mind is purified, then how will only bad thoughts come in his mind and then how will he do bad deeds. That is why the entire wisdom of Gautam Buddha emphasizes on purity of mind


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