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'Pun toon kids' 'Mistake, by mistake' Long time ago,

 'Pun toon kids' 'Mistake, by mistake' Long time ago,

 there lived a family in a city. The family consist of grandparents, parents along with... 8 years old Chetan and 7 years old Vaani. Both were very naughty. One day, they were working on their homework in their room. Vaani says... Brother, I don't feel like doing homework. I wish we could skip the school tomorrow. I have an idea. Just wait and watch. Chetan whispered something in Vaani's ear. And he ran to his mother and said... mother, Vaani is having high fever. - What? Vaani was sitting in her room with a very heavy blanket. Vaani push the heavy blanket aside as soon as... her mother and Chetan entered the room. Mother checked Vaani. And because of heavy blanket, her body was warm. Vaani is having high fever. Vaani, take the medicine. Soon you will be fine. Brother, this medicine have a bitter taste. No problem but at least we got the day off tomorrow. But this time, their little prank was going to be a big mistake. Next day, Vaani experienced stomach ache because... of having medicine without being sick. Brother, I am having stomach ache. Don't worry, I've a remedy for this too. Chetan went to his grandfather's room. He opened his medicine box. And he brought yellow pills for Vaani from the box. Take this. Grandfather was having a stomach ache some days back. He took the same yellow pills at that time.

Vaani immediately gulped that medicine. But this only increased her stomach ache. Brother, this pain is increasing. What? Okay wait, I'll bring some other... medicine from grandfather's box. Chetan, what are you doing with my medicines? Nothing, grandfather. Chetan, always remember... you shouldn't play with medicines. Because medicines are being taken only when we are sick. And if we eat them without any illness... then this will harm our body. Okay, grandfather. Chetan ran from there and came to his room. He gave that medicine to Vaani... which deteriorate Vaani's condition. She started crying because of pain. Chetan realised his mistake when he saw her crying. And he too started crying. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have lied about your sickness. Grandfather is right that... we shouldn't eat medicine without any illness. Upon hearing their cries... Grandfather entered their room. - What happen kids? Why are you both crying? Chetan told him everything. After listening to them, grandfather explain them... that mistakes are... made by mistake only. But if hide our mistakes from our elders... then that mistake will become a crime. That is why, we should inform our elders... immediately when something went wrong. So that they can rectify that mistake on time. Okay, grandfather. - Okay, grandfather. We will inform our elders immediately if we... made any mistake from now onwards. Grandfather called the doctor after that. Doctor examined Vaani and gave her the medicine... which cured her soon. So kids, the moral of the story is... that we should immediately inform our... elders if we made any mistake. So that they can fix that problem with their wisdom on time.

Source - PunToon Kids - Hindi

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