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|Buddhist Story On Anxiety And Dipression|Moral Story // चिंता करना छोड़ दोगे

 There used to be a very wealthy

चिंता करना छोड़ दोगे|Buddhist Story On Anxiety And Dipression|Moral Story
चिंता करना छोड़ दोगे|Buddhist Story On Anxiety And Dipression|Moral Story

 merchant in the old Magadha kingdom. He had a lot of wealth. One day he did the calculations and found that whatever wealth he had, it would be enough only for his children. He got into thinking that how money will be arranged for the grand children and then the next generation, In the absence of money, their life will become very difficult. Thinking about this, he started getting very worried. But in those days Tathagata Gautam Buddha was visiting Magadha kingdom, only then someone told him that you should take refuge of Gautam Buddha, he will definitely solve your worries. That person goes to Gautam Buddha and says "Buddha, I want that I have so much money that my children, after them, their children and then their children, in the same way, if the next many generations keep using my money, still my money." do not end Gautam Buddha smiled and said "It will be like this"! But before that, you come by giving food for a day to the family living in the hut outside this city. Hearing this, the wealthy merchant became very happy, and immediately with a bag full of food items for a day, he reached the hut outside the city. As soon as he went inside the hut, he saw that there is an old mother-in-law and her young daughter-in-law inside the hut. The old woman was sitting and meditating and her daughter-in-law was cooking in the kitchen. Looking at the daughter-in-law, Wealthy Merchant carried forward the bag of food items and said, "I am a rich Seth (wealthy Merchant) of this city and have brought one day's food ration for your family, keep it." Hearing this, the daughter-in-law refused and said, "But we have arrangements for today's food." Seth (wealthy Merchant) said, "So this will make arrangements for tomorrow's food." The woman said, "Sorry, but we don't store it for the next day as well, we make arrangements for daily food." Hearing this, Seth said thought "There is a people who don't even collect for their tomorrow, and I am the one who is dying worrying about amassing wealth for many generations to come. Now that Seth (Wealthy Merchant) understood why Gautam Buddha had sent him to this hut outside the city. The next morning, that Seth again reached Gautam Buddha and said "Tathagata what you wanted to understand me, now I have understood it. But will you tell me in a little detail what is worry, how it arises" And what is its solution. Gautam Buddha said, “Worrying for tomorrow may or may not change our tomorrow, but it definitely takes away our happiness today. Anxiety is such a mental illness That takes away all kind of happiness from our life, and makes it monotonous. In fact, worry has no real existence. Anxiety is a feeling, a thought that arises out of fear of the future. things over which we have no control, for which we cannot do anything It is worrying to think about those things again and again. Gautam Buddha further said, "Just think deeply once and see that the things in which you have absolutely no control, which you cannot change even if you want to, If you don't think about those things all day, then what will go wrong? Hearing this the person said, "Buddha, do you mean to say that we should stop thinking about any thing or event? Buddha said, "Whatever problem has come in life, or is going to come, Thinking about it and finding a solution to it is the religion of our intellect, but to think about the same problem over and over again is a mental illness, when our mind gets stuck in one event, one thought, keeps thinking about the same thing or event all day, stucks in that thing only, then such a thought takes away all the happiness, all the peace, all the joy from our life, there is a simple meaning of worrying, That which has not happened in our life, keep thinking in vain about it. Pointing towards Seth, Buddha said, "What will you change after thinking? But yes, if you are doing something for it, then you can definitely bring some change, But if you stop thinking about that thing or event again and again So nothing is going to go wrong So why do you keep thinking about the same thing? Why are you destroying all your happiness and peace of life in your own hands? Most of the events that people keep worrying about in the future, most of them never happen in their life. Worrying will not solve your future problems, but your happiness today will surely go away. You realize one thing that an hour full of worry makes you more tired than the whole day's hard work. In fact, even when some unpleasant event happens in real life, it does not hurt us as much as we have hurt ourselves by thinking about it in our mind. Friends, if you are also troubled by the habit of worrying about everything. So to You, by world-renowned author Dale Carnegie Best book ever written on anxiety must read once Whose name is 'HOW to STOP WORRYING and START LIVING' i.e. stop worrying and live happily I myself have read this book twice This is very cool and best seller book If you don't have time to read this book then you can also listen this book in Hindi on KUKU FM APP Talking about KUKU FM, it is one of the best audio book platform of India. where by paying less than a book For a whole year, You can listen to thousands of books from different fields in audio format. That too in your favorite language Usually 1 year subscription of this platform is ₹ 399 लेकिन अभी KUKU FM पर सेल चल रही है Because of which all of you will have to have a full 1 year subscription for just Rs 199. If you use 'SUNO50' coupon code. But remember this coupon code is valid only till 31st May at 12:00 PM. So don't delay and take advantage of the offer If you want to download this app then link will be found in description and first comment Seth asked Gautam Buddha, "Tathagata then what is the right way to live life according to you? Buddha said, "The second name of the past is repentance, sadness and the other name of the future is "struggle". If today there is a desire in our mind and it is not fulfilled, then the mind starts making plans for the future, it starts thinking that all the wishes will be fulfilled in the future, but life, life is neither in the future nor in the past, Life is the name of this moment, that is, the experience of this moment is the experience of life. And knowing all this, we remain ignorant of this truth, either we are lost in the memories of the past, or we keep making plans for the future. And our life passes. Only one truth if we carry within ourselves, that neither we can change the past, nor can we see our future, we can only welcome the future with full patience and courage, accept it So by doing this, will not every moment of our life be filled with life. Seth said Buddha, you are right. But no matter how hard you try, there is always worry, if not much, then there is always the worry of the family. Buddha said, "It is natural to be worried, but it is our job to convert that worry into contemplation. Let me remind you one thing which you already know "Even before you came this world was there, it was society, it was family, and even when you leave this world, all these things will remain there."
चिंता करना छोड़ दोगे|Buddhist Story On Anxiety And Dipression|Moral Story
चिंता करना छोड़ दोगे|Buddhist Story On Anxiety And Dipression|Moral Story
  It hasn't changed much with your coming and going. Anyway, the time before you come and after you leave is not in your hands, you have in your hands only and only that time which you are living now, the time in which I am talking to you now and you are listening to me Yes, this is all in your hand, and every time only such a small moment comes in your hand and then it disappears forever, so what will you do with this moment? Will you waste it by worrying?, I would only say that every person should think, think about how this time can be used more and more, how we can do more and more great work. How May we all share happiness. Keep in mind that worry takes a person to his pyre and contemplation makes his mind kundan. Seth said, "Buddha, I understand your point, that not taking life too seriously. we should try to live it in the present with full energy and joy, Seth further questioned, "But Buddha, if a person has been surrounded by anxiety, how did he come out of it? Gautam Buddha said, "Have you ever come out of a big tunnel. How terrible is the darkness inside the tunnel, there is always a fear of what will happen if one gets trapped inside it. How to come out of this tunnel. But if you look carefully, no matter how big the tunnel is, there is always light on the other side of the tunnel, That light can be reached only by the one who crosses the entire tunnel And reaches the other end of the tunnel. And in the same way, many times in our life, we find ourselves trapped in a dark tunnel of despair and anxiety, from which there is no way out, and it seems that this life will end like this, But in such a situation, just like that tunnel, the light of hope that ends this despair and worry comes only to the one who keeps on moving forward, who keeps on trying. So if you ever have a moment of sadness and worry in your life, don't stop, just keep trying, you will definitely get success. By now Seth had understood the words of Gautam Buddha, he thanked Buddha and left from there. But before that, friends, that I end this video, I want to share with you five practical tips, by using which you can reduce many worries and troubles in your life to a great extent. So the first lesson is to stop taking life too seriously. that if this happens, what will happen, if that happens, what will happen, nothing is going to happen, Even if something happens, you will find some way or the other according to that situation. since the existence of this earth in the universe, Four and a half hundred million years have been completed and even if any person like you and me goes away after worrying for 100 years, then nothing of this universe is going to deteriorate in it. That's why every day say to yourself that "I don't just want to be alive, but I want to live as well. The second lesson is to stop worrying about every little thing. Like the worry of getting stuck in traffic, the worry of losing some small money, worrying about having to eat cold food today, Don't know how many such unnecessary worries we keep carrying in our mind. Think once and see that the days when you will be counting your last breaths, Will all these problems still seem to you as big as they seem today, no? Then on that day all these troubles which today seem big to you like a mountain, It will look smaller than a tiny grain of sand. So stop worrying about every little thing. Third lesson "Always remember this thing that life is very short, you can die today, now and at this very moment,
  We keep worrying about everything because we feel that we have a lot of time now, we will be alive for many years, there are other people dying, I will live. So constantly remind yourself that there is no point in worrying too much, maybe today will be my last day. Fourth thing "You must accept that no one is perfect in this world, Everyone makes mistakes, So learn to forgive people. Whatever God has created in this world, everything is very beautiful, if we cannot see the good in it, then it does not mean that those things are bad, but it means that we are not mature enough yet We can see the good in that thing. And fifth thing "Help people without telling them, When we help someone without doing any favour, just like this, then we feel a wonderful peace and comfort from inside, Which gives us strength to fight against any bad situation and get out of it. Friends, we should develop the attitude to let go of things in our life, that no matter what happens will be seen, No matter what has happened, my conrtol was not there, Whatever happens now, I will make it better. What matters most in life is our happiness, and we will be happy only when our hearts and minds are not burdened with worries. So, don't worry, live happily

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