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The changes that has

happened in our experiences can change our genes throught mentel rehersal only we can change our physical state after all, when he came out of the prison after nine years he defeated the current chess world champion Hello Brainbook Army, Welcome to all of you Brain Book Channel, where you can see the Complete Book Summary. Today's video is based on Dr. Joe Dispenza's book, you are the Placebo. Friends, can any disease be cured without medicine or surgery only by the power of thought? The truth is that this happens often. In the book You are the Placebo Dr. Joe Dispenza You are the place Dr. Joe Dispenza has worked on conditions such as bacteria, heart disease, cancer, depression, and Parkinson's disease. Many diseases like this have been completely cured by Placebo effect only with the help of your thinking. Dr. Joe talks about the history of placebo and the effect of placebo on physiology. The book draws on the latest research from neuroscience, biology, psychology, hypnosis and quantum physics. I will repeat all the important points at the end of this video So that you remember the important points mentioned in the video easily Friends, before you get lost in the precious information being told in this video, I would like to tell you that on your own Channel Brain Book, I bring you Complete Book Summaries of Life Changing and Inspiring Books. Instead of Complete Book Summaries on few videos on our channel, all Videos Chapter by Chapter Summaries will be available so that no important thing mentioned in these books can be missed. For this reason, some videos are in 2 or 3 parts or a little longer. So if you have not subscribed to Brain Book yet, then subscribe now and also press the Bell Button, so that you can see these videos first. So let's start with the first chapter **** UPBEAT MUSIC **** 1) Is it possible? America's St. A man named Sam lived in the city of Louis. Sam was about 70 years old. Sam lived with his second wife. He was suffering from Metastatic Esophageal ie Liver Cancer. Seeing his condition, the doctors told him that he was only a guest for a few days. Sam was very ill and was just waiting to die in the hospital. Sam's health suddenly deteriorated on New Year's Day and he died within 24 hours. Sam was postmortemed in the hospital. The doctors were shocked to see the postmortem report. According to Sam's report, his cancer was not fatal. Sam's previous cancer report had shown an incorrect result. If Sam didn't have cancer, what disease did Sam die from? Actually Sam's death was due to his thinking. In medical science it is called Placebo Effect. It can bring both benefit and harm to a person. Human mind is very powerful. The body reacts as the mind tells it. A healthy person can reach death due to his thinking, whereas a sick person can reach near death and recover back. Sam died because his mind had assumed that he was bound to die. Sam's brain made him feel as if he really had cancer. And despite not being ill, Sam died of cancer. This was an example of the Placebo Effect. 2) A brief history of the Placebo : At the time of World War 2, American doctor Henry Beecher was serving in the war. During the war, Doctor Henry lost Morphine, a kind of pain killer. Doctor Henry had to treat a wounded soldier. But it was not possible to cure without Morphine. If they had been treated without Morphine, the pain could have killed the soldier. The doctors were still thinking that then a nurse picked up the syringe and started filling Saline in it. The nurse gave that injection to the soldier. Doctor Henry was surprised to see that the soldier, who was suffering from pain, became completely calm after the injection. But how did the injection of Saline give the soldier the effect of Morphine? Actually what happened to the soldier was the placebo effect. The soldier was sure that the doctor had given him an injection of Morphine. So the soldier felt the effect of Morphine with the injection of Saline. This was the first occurrence of the placebo effect recorded in the history of Medical science. A person can do both benefit and harm to his body only by his thinking. The human mind can do whatever it wants with its body. If the mind wants, it can easily eliminate incurable diseases like cancer. This method of treating with thinking is thousands of years old. The Bible and other religious texts are full of such stories. 3) The Placebo Effect in the Brain : The human mind is so powerful that it can turn an idea into reality. This process of converting the idea into reality is called Placebo. Placebo has three main principles: Conditioning, Expectation and Meaning. Conditioning: A person who often complains of headache. He always takes Disprin pill and his headache gets better. Now even if he is given any fake medicine that looks like Disprin, even then his headache gets cured. Because the brain gives the message to the body that it is Disprin. This is called the Conditioning Principle of Placebo. Expectation: A person is suffering from knee pain for a long time. The doctor tells him about a new surgery and assures him that his pain will getbetter after this surgery. The doctor performs his fake surgery but still the pain of that person gets cured. Because the person had an expectation from the surgery. This is called the Expectation Principle of Placebo. Meaning: A young man starts exercising in the gym. He does not ask anyone anything while exercising. Even after a long time, there is not much difference in his health. One day the gym coach tells him about all the exercises and their various benefits. From then on his health starts taking effect. Because his brain gets to know which exercise is beneficial. This is called the meaning principle of Placebo. 4) The Placebo Effect in the Body: In one study, 8 men, aged between 70 and 80, were asked to pretend they were 22 years younger than their current age for 5 days. A 22-year-old environment was created for him by the doctors so that he can easily pretend. After 5 days of study, a lot of changes were seen in the body of those men. He became more agile and stronger than before. The sloping waist of those men had become straight, Due to which they looked taller than before. He had not only become young in mind, but his body had become really young. The question is how was this possible? This happened due to the change in their Genes. It is often understood that Genes cannot be changed. This is not completely true. Human beings exercise some control over their genes through their thoughts, choices, behavior, experiences and feelings. All these things have a great effect on our Genes. What we think, what we feel and the change in our experiences can change our genes to a great extent. Man can change his Genes only with his thoughts. Because of the way all those 8 men thought and felt, their genes changed their bodies the same way. Such a change is called the Placebo Effect. 5) How Thoughts Change the Brain and the Body : Only through Mental Rehearsal can a person make changes in his existing physical condition. When a person repeatedly imagines the future he wants in such a way that it is true, then the mind starts making similar changes in his body. Let us understand this with an example. A man was sentenced to 9 years in prison. In these 9 years, the person kept practicing to play chess inside his mind in jail. He imagined playing chess as if he was actually playing. When he finally came out of jail after 9 years, he defeated the then Chess World Champion. Although the man had never practiced with real chess, he mastered chess. This happened because of his mental rehearsal. When we repeatedly imagine the future we want, then our mind starts believing that imagined form to be true and we create a new identity in our own mind. 6) Suggestibility : The human brain is divided into two parts. One is the Conscious Mind and the other is the Subconscious Mind. Conscious Mind is 5% of the whole brain while 95% of the rest is Subconscious Mind. The knowledge and experiences of our life are stored in the Conscious Mind. Whereas our Skills, Habits, Emotions, Behavior, Attitude etc. are stored in the Subconscious Mind. Subconscious mind is the operating system of our body. When we learn something new or repeat a task again and again, it becomes our habit. In the language of medical science, it gets saved in our subconscious mind. After this, we do not have to think to do that work. Our mind and body do that work automatically. For example, riding a bike, tying shoelaces, reading and speaking. We do not need to think to do all these things. Placebo works only when we store a thought in our subconscious mind. And it happens when we adopt and believe in an idea in such a way that we have more faith in that idea than the outside world. When this process is repeated, then this thought is saved in our subconscious mind and our Conscious Mind accepts this idea as reality. 7) Attitudes, Beliefs and Perceptions : Placebo effect depends on the attitude, Belief and experience of our mind. If our belief about an idea is so strong that everything seems false to us in front of it, then that thought creates a placebo effect in our body. It can be both positive and negative. When a doctor tells a patient that he has cancer, the patient's brain automatically remembers his experiences related to cancer. There is already a conception about cancer in the patient's brain. This automatically creates a negative belief in the mind about the outcome of cancer. This belief can lead us to death. There are some people who do not allow such thoughts to come in their mind after the doctor's advice. On the contrary, they think that this disease can be defeated. This creates a positive belief in the mind which is very important for us. It is very important to change the perception formed in the mind due to your past experiences. This concept can be changed. We have to make a new idea so powerful in our mind that our perception starts to seem false in front of it. To do this, we have to repeat the thought in our mind until that thought is stored in our subconscious mind. That's when the Placebo Effect works. 8) The Quantum Mind : Everything in the world is made up of atoms. Everything we see, touch, feel in the world is made of atoms. Atom is the smallest particle discovered by man. Atoms have their own separate world which is called Quantum Realm. The physics of the outside world and Quantum Realm are completely different from Each other. This is called Quantum Physics. Nothing is physical or physical in the Quantum Universe. Atom is made up of 99.99% energy. When the scientist paid attention to the Subatomic Particles, he found that they are present in the form of countless possibilities together inside the Quantum Realm. These are visible only when attention is given to them and as soon as the attention is removed, these particles disappear. Everything we think and imagine about our future exists as a possibility in Quantum Realm. He just needs to observe. Our brain works as an observer. In other words, the future we imagine for Ourselves already exists in the Quantum Realm. By imagining we are observing that future of ours. We choose a future for ourselves with Quantum Realm. Nothing is impossible in Quantum Realm. The result of this is that our body starts changing and we get our imaginary form in reality. 9) Story of Personal Transformation Laurie was a 19-year-old bright college student. Laurie was fond of running, dancing and playing tennis. For the past one year, Laurie was having trouble walking. On seeing the doctor, it was found that Lowry had a disease called Polyostotic Fibrous Dysplasia. In this disease, there is a complaint of Swelling, weakness and broken bones in the bones. When Laurie came to know that there was no cure for this disease, she broke down from inside. His life was ruined overnight. By the age of 30, Laurie looked older than her 72-year-old father. She now used to walk on a wheelchair. The hope of life was gone in his mind. At the age of 40, he became Dr. Got it from Joe. Laurie started attending Doctor Joe's class. There, Lowry learned how just thinking can change her life. Laurie began to meditate. Through meditation, he started imagining his imaginary form. Finally, within 4 years of starting meditation, Lauri was completely cured. The disease for which there was no cure in medical science, Lauri himself ended that disease with the help of his brain. Lowry made her imagination so powerful that her mind began to believe her imaginary form to be true. Lowry was successful in taking her imaginary form her conscious mind to her subconscious mind. In other words, Laurie became her own Placebo. 10) Information to Transformation : Proof That You Are The Placebo In the year 2011, a woman named Michelle was found to be suffering from Parkinson's Disease. The doctor told that he would have to live with this disease for the rest of his life. In the year 2012, Michelle Dr. Joe and he started meditating. From the very beginning, Michel had full faith in this. In just one year, Michel defeated this disease. Initially, the Placebo Effect worked only when a person had full faith and devotion to any fake pill, injection or any other medical procedure from the outside world. This method still works today. But does Placebo need to believe in these extraneous objects? Doctor Joe has proved that a person can create placebo effect even by believing in himself. The purpose of making this video is to explain that a person can make the impossible possible with meditation and his will power. The many examples given in the book fully prove this point. Where medical science cannot do anything, this method of Self Healing comes in handy. In this book, Doctor Joe has told that nothing is impossible. Everything depends on the will power of man. A person can achieve anything with his will power, whether it is health or success in any field. Every thing and example written in this book completely proves that man is his own placebo. 11) Meditation Preparation: In this chapter, Doctor Joe has told about the preparation to start meditation. It is very important to keep all these things in mind before starting meditation. time to mediate The best time to meditate is immediately before sleeping or immediately after getting up. Because at this time our subconscious mind is more active. place to meditate The place of meditation should be absolutely calm where there is no distraction. Never do meditation on your bed. Choose a place where the temperature is favorable. what to wear Wear loose-fitting comfortable clothes. If you wear a watch, glasses, ring, chain, etc., take them off. Drink some water before sitting down and if you need to go to the washroom, then leave earlier. How long? Meditation should be done between 30 minutes to 1 hour. If necessary, you can set an alarm. Select free time for meditation. If needed, do meditation while listening to light music. control the desires In the beginning, negative thoughts may come to mind during meditation. This happens with most people. Thoughts of leaving meditation will come in the mind and there may be pain in the body too. We have to overcome all these negative thoughts. Keeping all these things in mind, start meditation. Do not try anything new from your side. Doing so can have side effects. Follow this process carefully. 12) Changing Beliefs and Perceptions Meditation : In this last chapter of the book, Dr. Joe Dispenza has told about the meditation technique to transform belief and experience. He has told how we can completely change our life by changing our thoughts. This technique is divided into three parts. First part (Time 10 to 15 minutes): In the first part, The Open Focus technique of meditation is to be used. This technique is also called Object Focused. With the help of this technique, it is easy for us to reach the alpha or theta brain waves of our brain where our brain is more active. Through this technique, we focus in Quantum Space instead of focusing on the outside world. Part II (Time 10 to 15 Minutes): In this part we find ourselves in Quantum Realm where all possibilities are there. To do this, we have to forget our old identity and separate it from our body. By doing this, we go on forgetting our old identity and our genes start changing. Part III (20 to 30 minutes): In the third part, we change our beliefs and experiences that we want to change in ourselves. And when this happens, we infuse a new energy inside us. The change that we want to bring in us really starts happening inside us and we become our own placebo. So friends, as I told you that at the end of this video, I will repeat all the important points given, so let's look at all the important things once again: A person can do both benefit and harm to his body only by his thinking. The human mind can do whatever it wants with its body. What we think, what we feel and the change in our experiences can change our genes to a great extent. When a person repeatedly imagines the future he wants in such a way that it is true, then the mind starts making similar changes in his body. Placebo works only when we store a thought in our subconscious mind. A person can make the impossible possible with meditation and his will power. Friends, I hope you have liked this video made on the book You are the Placebo. I will soon bring a new video for you. So let's see you

. Have a nice time

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